Australian native plants for small gardens, patios and pots Workshop

Date And Time

Saturday 18th May 2019


Environment House
125 King William St
Bayswater, WA 6053

Cost $15

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Did you know you don't need a huge space to establish an impressive native garden with suitable species for your area? This presentation is for anyone wanting to find out more about growing native plants with a focus on how best to grow in small gardens and in pots.

Topics covered in this presentation include:

  • the importance of knowing the soil type in your garden,
  • knowing the direction of the sun- where is the dense shade and where is the dappled shade when planting natives for success, and
  • planting techniques
  • Handouts on basic plant propagation;
  • Species lists local to the area
  • Potted up seeds and cuttings that they have propagated during the workshop

About the Presenter

Nancy Scade in partnership with her daughter Ailsa runs the Australian Native Nursery, King Road, Oakford. They have been operating for 25 years.

Initially they grew trees for rural properties and plants for rehabilitation. Due to the reduction in grants for rural and rehabilitation planting they changed direction. They now concentrate on retailing plants and limiting wholesale contracts. Australian Native Nursery endeavours to grow as many different species as possible that are suitable for gardens.

Alternatively for further information phone Environment House on (08) 9271 4488 or email